Kintsugi Pottery

Kintsugi – the Japanese art of putting broken pottery pieces back together with gold in the belief that by embracing flaws and imperfections, you can create a stronger, more beautiful piece of art. It reflects much of what is going on right now. How do we make the best of things, will we ever get … Continued

Information Overload?

Challenge: Explain (simply) recent market dynamics and possible outlook. So here goes. Recent regulation, the snappily titled MiFID 2, created the requirement for discretionary fund managers and advisers providing portfolio management services to inform clients if their portfolio value falls 10% or more during a quarterly reporting period. But to what purpose? For us the … Continued

Keep Calm and Carry On!

We wanted to provide an insight into our behind-the-scenes thinking and planning as markets deal with the potential coronavirus (Covid-19) impact. We have been in contact with our investment partners to make sure we stay fully informed of their views and any plans they may have under consideration. The world is watching with concern the … Continued