Picky or Difficult – We Prefer ‘Picky. 

We think of ourselves as a people business, but how do we prove it? If people think of themselves as simply a number or item in a spreadsheet, then we’ve failed. The good news is that’s not what our clients tell us. Each year we participate in the largest global financial services client’s survey. It gives us priceless insight into what clients really think, value, and dislike about what we do for them. It helps keep us on track and to stay true to our values, and purpose.

So, being a people business, we think we add real value and confidence to our clients; but can we say that people are at the heart of everything we do? We’d like to think so, but it’s not for us to judge, that’s for others. Only our clients can have valid, personal, informed view on that.  

We like listening to people, especially our clients. We are fortunate to work closely with a wide range of people and personalities; so asking good, searching questions and listening properly is vitalWe appreciate the value of ‘just one more question’. Details matterThey help us explore and really understand everyone’s motivation and purpose, which is a key part of a financial planner’s job. 

We like detail, the more granular the better. It gets our creative juices flowing and brings real colour and texture to the role. Clients pick up on personal details and touches. Our plans are designed to mirror each clients set of circumstances, ambitions, and plans. The point is that a client’s plan only qualifies as a mirror if a client recognises themself when they look at it. We work hard to make each plan highly individual and to reflect personal values, views, and opinions. That’s why our conversations are deliberately detailed.  

We’ve been asked if clients find that level of conversation ‘difficult and whether we are simply being picky’. There’s a clear distinction required here. Picky people have consistent preferences and standards and will not compromiseDifficult people change their preferences frequently, and often in response to who is presenting to them or the mood they are in. Using that as a benchmark, I’d say we are picky, but certainly not difficult. We work with people who have every right to be picky too. We work hard to deliver advice and plans at a consistently high standard of personalisation. That’s why people retain us as their planners and advisers. We are a people business after all!