Kintsugi – the Japanese art of putting broken pottery pieces back together with gold in the belief that by embracing flaws and imperfections, you can create a stronger, more beautiful piece of art.

It reflects much of what is going on right now. How do we make the best of things, will we ever get back to the way it was? I was heartened to read that “less than 10% of people want to go back to the way things were”. There is something special about the way people have become communities supporting each other. Many don’t want to lose that.

Yet there are families unable to think about the way things were. The challenge presented by Kintsugi means acknowledging broken lives. It doesn’t attempt to hide what has happened. It introduces the hope that lives can be put together again by drawing strength and support from others. It’s never going to be the same, but friends, family and the community can all play a part in helping those we know are picking through the pieces of life. All the pieces are there, it just needs the gold of relationship to glue it together.

We work closely with people and organisations who have experience in helping people through the most difficult periods in life. Please let us know if you feel we can help.