The only thing guaranteed in life is change… except from a vending machine! 

During lockdown, mclothes began shrinking causing me to examine our washing machine for signs of tamperingSo, I joined my lovely wife’s healthy eating regimeMore vegetables, fruit and fish all cooked from fresh, raw ingredients, less red wine, more water, more exercise. A couple of months later I feel so much better – fitter, slimmer and with more energy.  

Dietary habits are changing. Vegetarian roots go back to the formation of the world’s first vegetarian society in 1847 in England. The term vegan was first coined in 1977 with Paul and Linda McCartney as early adopters. When he was asked what he ate he replied memorably, “nothing with a face”. Officially it means not consuming any animal products including dairy, eggs, and honey. 

There’s currently a relentless sense of momentum behind the rise of vegan and vegetarianism, with 8% (and rising) of the world’s population following a meat-free diet, but what are the drivers behind this? The answer seems to be better informed, more demanding consumers. 

In effect, niche markets are now mainstream. Likewise, Environmental, Sustainable and Governance (ESG) driven investments have become mainstream with 30% of assets aligned to ESG research fundamentals. 

Today, consumers demand more transparency about food quality and provenance. Similarly, investors are actively exploring investment provenance, probing, seeking more insight into the environmental and social impact, culture and conduct of the companies they invest in. The shift to ESG investment disciplines continues as investors recognise the long-term financial health benefits of feeling good about where your money is invested.  

If you are curious to know more or compare portfolios, we are always happy to talk.