Sorry Seems to Be the Hardest Word

Suddenly my inbox is filled with financial predictions from the seers of the City. It takes me back to the years presenting our (Pru M&G’s) views for the year ahead. These are dangerous predictions to make, and seldom if ever correct. As Yogi Berra, the legendary baseball player and coach, famously said, “It’s tough to … Continued

It Takes More Than Just a Spark…

“You can’t start a fire without a spark.” – Bruce Springsteen. In 1984 Bruce Springsteen released “Dancing in the Dark” one of his most famous songs. The lyrics include the line “You can’t start a fire without a spark.” He went on to release 21 studio albums and filled stadiums across the world for over … Continued

Apple Takes a Bite Out of the Index

Index tracker fund popularity continues to grow principally because they provide access to a diverse range of investments at low cost. But how do index trackers work? First, what is an index? An index is a statistical measure that tracks the performance of a group of assets, such as stocks, bonds, or other financial instruments. … Continued

The Pursuit of Imperfection

Torville and Dean achieved a perfect score in the 1984 Winter Olympics. Nadia Comaneci produced seven perfect 10s in Montreal’s Olympics in 1976. Perfection then, but now? In their book The Imperfectionists Charles Conn and Rob McLean, two McKinsey alumni, share observations on the challenges of a conventional approach to strategic planning. Imperfection may sound … Continued

coaching versus advice, financial emotional decison

What Came First the Chicken or The Egg?

Causality dilemma, better known as the chicken or egg paradox, characterises situations where it is difficult to determine what came first. I read an interesting article on the difference between advice and coaching which got me thinking. So, which comes first, advice or coaching? Let’s start with a couple of simplified definitions as a frame … Continued

Crowdfunding. The Good the Bad and the Ugly

“New technology is not good or evil in and of itself. It’s all about how people choose to use it.” wrote Jason Pargin, writer, humourist, and editor of the website Part of what I do at Stewardship Wealth is help Simon wade through the incessant incoming waves of regulatory issues and discuss how best … Continued

Scottish Budget: The 67.5% Tax Trap

The 67.5% Tax Trap

The prospect of the taxman taking a substantial chunk of your hard-earned income is never a pleasant one. For residents in Scotland earning above £75,000, a new tax threshold alongside an increase to the Top rate of tax announced in last month’s Scottish budget may leave many feeling uneasy. In this article we will expand … Continued