You Know More Than You Think

You Know More Than You Think…. Sounds like a quote from Yoda. Albert Einstein once said, “The only source of knowledge is experience.” We agree. There’s a vast difference between book knowledge and practical experience. Would you think of jumping into a swimming pool if all you’ve done is read a book on swimming? Probably … Continued

What’s Tax Got To Do With It?

I read an article recently, not unusual for me I know, as I try to keep up with the ever-changing world of finance, technology, and more. This particular article, however, caused me to stop, re-read the headline a couple of times, and refresh my coffee before returning to check it again. Here is the headline … Continued

assorted-color lear hanging decor

Navigating Changing Seasons: A Guide to Financial Adaptation

As the first day of autumn arrives tomorrow, we find ourselves in a season of transition. The world around us undergoes an amazing transformation, with leaves changing colours and temperatures dropping. This natural shift serves as a reminder of the constant ebb and flow of life. Just as nature adapts to changing seasons, so must … Continued

blue and green peacock feather

Taxing My Brain

Albert Einstein: “The hardest thing in the world to understand is the income tax.” I have been trying to come up with a collective name for taxes. After all, we have a murder of crows, a crash of rhinos, a scurry of squirrels, and my personal favourite, a bloat of hippos.  I’d like to propose we … Continued

silhouette of trees during sunset

The Heat Is On

Long awaited summer holidays this year will be memorable, not because of travel chaos, but due to extreme temperatures. Holiday destinations across southern Europe have seen records tumble daily as the heat intensifies. Temperatures of over 45°C are widespread. Wild fires have broken out across Greece, Italy, Turkey, Portugal, France, Croatia, even Switzerland. Northern African … Continued

person in black knit cap and gray sweater

AI is Not Always Good News

“What all of us have to do is to make sure we are using AI in a way that is for the benefit of humanity, not to the detriment of humanity.” Said Tim Cook CEO of Apple Inc.  There’s a problem with that Tim. Some people are embracing AI for their own benefit. Fraudsters consider … Continued

Dancing With The Future

The title above leapt out at me as I read a Seth Godin blog. Seth is a combative New York marketeer who always has something thought provoking to share. In so many ways it paints a picture of what we do at Stewardship Wealth. I loved the idea of seeing the future as a dance … Continued

The Ultimate AI: Aggregated Intelligence

Artificial intelligence (AI) has become a hot topic in stock investing, with many touting its ability to determine fair prices and predict market outcomes. However, we want to share the perspective of our principal fund managers at Dimensional Fund Advisors (DFA), one that places trust in the ultimate AI: Aggregated Intelligence – the market itself… … Continued

Duty Calls

The new Consumer Duty regulations take effect from July 31st this year ushering in new rules across the financial services sector. Banks, insurance companies, fund managers, advisers and planners must prove they are doing their best for their customers. Having businesses put clients first, which in my experience most do, makes perfect sense. But I … Continued

Invest in Happiness – The Rewards are Lifechanging

Much of what we do at Stewardship Wealth revolves around helping people make informed decisions with money. Money is simply a tool we use to help create long-term financial security. The real value is often not the assets owned, but the peace of mind people gain from knowing that financially, they are in robust good … Continued