A Year of Reflection & Restraint

After a year of the Covid pandemic, and despite massive improvement in medical standards in most countries, the reality is that this has not halted the huge impact of such events.  A Timeline of Historical Pandemics  Since virtually the dawn of civilisation, disease and illness have brought calamity, fear, and massive loss of life. A few milestones on humanity’s timeline:  Widespread community adoption of agrarian farming increased the scale and … Continued

Emergency Door signage

Live, Love, Leave a Legacy

“You only live once, but if you do it right, once is enough” – Mae West  “Focus on what you can control and leave what you can’t” is good advice. Health is one of these areas we can influence, but not control. Diet, exercise, and lifestyle can all help maintain our quality of life, and even extend life expectancy. And there is a clear connection between health and wealth. Generally, those … Continued

Generational Perspectives

A recent survey, on behalf of Smith & Williamson Investment Management, highlighted the differences between generations when it comes to ESG (Environmental, Social & Governance) investment models.   In the older age groups 55% put climate change as their top ESG issue, placing social and governance issues lower down their priority list. When asked what … Continued

Small Changes, Big Difference

Stress, anxiety, and worry are nothing new. But adding the strain of preserving personal and family health, homeworking, home-schooling, and disquiet over employment prospects, simply increases existing pressure. The incessant news-flow has further ramped up existing anxieties with its constant headlines of pandemic statistics, political unrest, racist attitudes, protests, violence, and public distrust of authority. … Continued


Intangible – impossible to touch, to describe exactly, or to give an exact value.  I confess. I like American Football. I realise I risk losing some readers here but bear with me. Tom Brady, quarterback of the Tampa Bay Buccaneers, has now won his seventh Superbowl. No-one else has come close to achieving this feat. But what is even more remarkable about this year’s Superbowl win … Continued

Philanthropy – Care in Action

The word ‘philanthropy’ comes from the Greek ‘philanthropia’, which means ‘the love of humanity’. In ancient Greek mythology the Titan Prometheus was a constant threat and frustration for Zeus, King of the gods. His downfall came after he stole fire from the gods and gave it to man. (To be fair, Zeus had first stolen it from mankind as revenge for being tricked). This act of betrayal was put down to Prometheus’ love for humanity and … Continued

Old Habits

“We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence then is a habit.” – Aristotle   Steve Jobs wore a black turtleneck top and jeans, Mark Zuckerberg wears a grey T shirt and Angela Merkel is always seen in a trouser suit. Why? They didn’t want to waste time each day choosing what to wear, there are more important things in life. Habits and routines are key to increasing productivity by:  … Continued

There’s a Problem with Certainty

John F Kennedy once said, “The one unchangeable certainty is that nothing is certain or unchangeable.” This is particularly true when it comes to investing; there is very little that is certain. The media, however, often makes forceful claims about the efficacies of alternative investments, especially gold. In times of volatility, the media switches its attention to the gold price and the implied promise of glistening … Continued

In Search of Eudaimonia

“The goal isn’t about more money. It’s about living life on your terms.” – Will Rogers  A recent survey* exploring “who has a financial adviser” reported that 83% of respondents felt financial advice wasn’t for them. I struggle to come to terms with this idea. What assumptions are people making about financial advice? We prefer to describe what we do as financial planning. We believe it goes beyond simply providing advice.  Many have … Continued

Is Trust in Decline or Recovery?

The last 20 years have seen over a billion people lift themselves out of poverty. Employment rates have risen creating the opportunity for people to enjoy better homes, food, education, health, and career prospects. This normally generates high levels of trust in our institutions, governments, business, and indeed capitalism itself. However, research suggests the very opposite is happening, in the developed world, and  especially in the UK. Uncertainty over the … Continued