Scottish Budget: The 67.5% Tax Trap

The 67.5% Tax Trap

The prospect of the taxman taking a substantial chunk of your hard-earned income is never a pleasant one. For residents in Scotland earning above £75,000, a new tax threshold alongside an increase to the Top rate of tax announced in last month’s Scottish budget may leave many feeling uneasy. In this article we will expand … Continued

assorted-color lear hanging decor

Navigating Changing Seasons: A Guide to Financial Adaptation

As the first day of autumn arrives tomorrow, we find ourselves in a season of transition. The world around us undergoes an amazing transformation, with leaves changing colours and temperatures dropping. This natural shift serves as a reminder of the constant ebb and flow of life. Just as nature adapts to changing seasons, so must … Continued

The Ultimate AI: Aggregated Intelligence

Artificial intelligence (AI) has become a hot topic in stock investing, with many touting its ability to determine fair prices and predict market outcomes. However, we want to share the perspective of our principal fund managers at Dimensional Fund Advisors (DFA), one that places trust in the ultimate AI: Aggregated Intelligence – the market itself… … Continued