Financial Scams…

… A Personal Perspective If you think financial scams affect only those who lack financial experience or the gut instinct that something isn’t right, you might want to think again. This week I found myself a fully paid-up member of the “I’ve been scammed club”. It all started with a text my wife received from … Continued

Investing time now for time later

Taking Time Saves Time

“Professionals put things away slowly so that they’ll be ready quickly when needed. Investing time now for time later.” I saw this comment in a Seth Godin blog and it reminded me of a Sunday morning. Let me explain. As a wannabe guitar player, (anything with no more than four chords is fine), and a … Continued

person using laptop computer holding card

Mature Canine – Novel Capers!

Being a card-carrying Luddite, I preferred to leave technology to my kids and have them set up my phone, laptop etc. I never understood how young people or digital natives as they are known, just seemed to know intuitively how technology works without manuals or training. However, I now find myself gaining confidence thanks to … Continued

Chocolate or Banana?

It’s been said that we should “Eat to meet long-term goals, not short-term satisfaction.” So, choosing between fruit or chocolate should be easy. But is it? Do we consider our dietary choices in terms of long-term health outcomes? I rarely considered food choices in that way until recently. I now have a list of things … Continued

There May be Trouble Ahead…

“Nothing liberates our greatness like the desire to help, the desire to serve.” Marianne Williamson “There may be trouble ahead” is the opening line in Irving Berlin’s classic 1936 song “Let’s face the music and dance”. It seems strangely appropriate given the global outlook today however, I was curious to discover what life was like … Continued

Map or Navigator… Both Please!

“If I was going there, I wouldn’t start from here!” is a legendary response to a request for directions. I’ve been mulling over the topic of maps, plans, and their hidden complexities prompted by US marketing and business guru Seth Godin’s recent blog post. It reminded me of an experience on our honeymoon which came … Continued

kids values

Winning Hearts And Minds

“The greatest gift we can give our children are the roots of responsibility and the wings of independence.” – Maria Montessori Anders Sundell, an associate professor at the University of Gothenburg, Sweden, clearly loves a challenge. He interviewed hundreds of thousands of people across eighty different countries to uncover the most important values they think … Continued

Generational Thinking

Understanding how different generations are shaped by their experience and events serve as milestones, marking out the history of social change. As multi-generational Financial Planners, we recognise the differences between generations; their values, and especially the way in which they plan. At present, for the first time in history, there are five generations in the … Continued

Global Values

“When values, thoughts, feelings, and actions are in alignment, a person becomes focused, and character is strengthened.” – John C. Maxwell As personal values become a growing part of investment conversations, I began to think about where these values came from. I was intrigued to discover a piece of research undertaken by Valuegraphics. The idea … Continued

2022 – The Breakthrough Year!

Optimistic I know – but you have to start sometime! It’s difficult to escape the “Groundhog Day” vignette or cameo being played out. It seems our whole lives are lived under an often-confused web of guidance, restrictions, and rules. Most of us had plans for this year that didn’t involve masks, hand gel, social distancing, … Continued