Being a card-carrying Luddite, I preferred to leave technology to my kids and have them set up my phone, laptop etc. I never understood how young people or digital natives as they are known, just seemed to know intuitively how technology works without manuals or training. However, I now find myself gaining confidence thanks to Simon and Tim’s coaching. I have now embraced everything from biometric and facial recognition security controls for digital banking, to working with three computer screens in the office!  

It appears I am not alone in learning new skills. Consider the rapid rise of virtual meetings, use of online trading and digital banking services. Most of us never thought technology would become just part of everyday life, and not just amongst the younger generations. 


Online banking popularity amongst older age group


For many this became a forced migration, feeling they had no option but to use online services and digital banking. Yet research reveals that consumers are actively embracing digital banking solutions, and use is growing, especially within older age groups.  

In planning our own Stewardship App launch, we were careful to consider available research into attitudes across the age range. We took time to talk with other advisers to gain insights from their own experience and client feedback. We wanted to avoid the stereotypical notion that clients approaching or indeed already in retirement would not be comfortable using it. I am glad to say the conversations highlighted an altogether different experience. In fact, the take up from clients was above expectations, especially amongst the post retirement groups. 

Most people like having everything in its place, especially their “In case of emergency file.” People want to know that if something happens to them or their home, their documents are protected. Our app allows for legal papers, property details, documents, and insurance policies to be securely stored together.  

While we may be confident of the benefits of an app, we would prefer to collaborate and collect a broader view from our potential user group. For those who would like to help us with user testing please let us know. Further updates will follow, but for those who have questions, please feel free to ask.