
Be Aware, Be Very Aware…

Voice message scams – don’t believe everything you hear. Starling Bank research found the average UK adult has been targeted by fraud five times in the past year. Recently their survey of 3000 people highlighted the growing danger of sophisticated voice messages using cloned voices. These frauds go well beyond the “Mum, I’ve lost my … Continued

Is Time Management An Impossible Dream?

“Our character is basically a composite of our habits. Because they are consistent, often unconscious patterns, they constantly, daily, express our character.” Steven Covey. Some of us may have heard of Steven Covey, author of The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People. Most of us have heard of Dwight D Eisenhower, 34th US President, and … Continued

Apple Takes a Bite Out of the Index

Index tracker fund popularity continues to grow principally because they provide access to a diverse range of investments at low cost. But how do index trackers work? First, what is an index? An index is a statistical measure that tracks the performance of a group of assets, such as stocks, bonds, or other financial instruments. … Continued

Elections & Markets

The UK election may have some investors looking to change their portfolios. They should think twice. Decades of returns over 17 prime minister’s tenures of 10 Downing Street suggest long-term investment values continue to rise regardless of who wins. Why? There are many factors that impact markets; the economy, interest rates, inflation, currencies, geopolitical tensions, … Continued

how do you support staff, imposter syndrome ,I'm not good enough

The Torment of Imposter Syndrome

“Imposter syndrome doesn’t discriminate; it affects everyone from college students to CEOs. People from every demographic who are clever, driven, articulate, creative and successful have difficulty in acknowledging their achievements.” – Dr Jessamy Hibberd, Chartered Clinical Psychologist and author of The Imposter Cure, and How To Overcome Trauma And Find Yourself Again.   What do … Continued

The Pursuit of Imperfection

Torville and Dean achieved a perfect score in the 1984 Winter Olympics. Nadia Comaneci produced seven perfect 10s in Montreal’s Olympics in 1976. Perfection then, but now? In their book The Imperfectionists Charles Conn and Rob McLean, two McKinsey alumni, share observations on the challenges of a conventional approach to strategic planning. Imperfection may sound … Continued

coaching versus advice, financial emotional decison

What Came First the Chicken or The Egg?

Causality dilemma, better known as the chicken or egg paradox, characterises situations where it is difficult to determine what came first. I read an interesting article on the difference between advice and coaching which got me thinking. So, which comes first, advice or coaching? Let’s start with a couple of simplified definitions as a frame … Continued

Crowdfunding. The Good the Bad and the Ugly

“New technology is not good or evil in and of itself. It’s all about how people choose to use it.” wrote Jason Pargin, writer, humourist, and editor of the website Part of what I do at Stewardship Wealth is help Simon wade through the incessant incoming waves of regulatory issues and discuss how best … Continued

Retirement planning

Pie Charts, Pensioners, and Planning

“You don’t stop laughing when you grow old, you grow old when you stop laughing.” – George Bernard Shaw. I liked that quote, especially after reaching a benchmark birthday which, as expected, led to me being deluged with birthday cards. All of them (with the exception of my mother’s) poked fun at my advancing years. … Continued

Wealth is the Ability to Fully Experience Life

“Wealth is the ability to fully experience life.” Henry David Thoreau. There’s an understandable view that wealth management and financial planning exist to make wealthy people wealthier. I beg to differ. Our mission and purpose is to equip individuals and families through education and coaching to make positive, informed financial decisions with confidence. I agree … Continued